346 research outputs found

    The Devil is in the Tails: Fine-grained Classification in the Wild

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    The world is long-tailed. What does this mean for computer vision and visual recognition? The main two implications are (1) the number of categories we need to consider in applications can be very large, and (2) the number of training examples for most categories can be very small. Current visual recognition algorithms have achieved excellent classification accuracy. However, they require many training examples to reach peak performance, which suggests that long-tailed distributions will not be dealt with well. We analyze this question in the context of eBird, a large fine-grained classification dataset, and a state-of-the-art deep network classification algorithm. We find that (a) peak classification performance on well-represented categories is excellent, (b) given enough data, classification performance suffers only minimally from an increase in the number of classes, (c) classification performance decays precipitously as the number of training examples decreases, (d) surprisingly, transfer learning is virtually absent in current methods. Our findings suggest that our community should come to grips with the question of long tails

    The iWildCam 2018 Challenge Dataset

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    Camera traps are a valuable tool for studying biodiversity, but research using this data is limited by the speed of human annotation. With the vast amounts of data now available it is imperative that we develop automatic solutions for annotating camera trap data in order to allow this research to scale. A promising approach is based on deep networks trained on human-annotated images. We provide a challenge dataset to explore whether such solutions generalize to novel locations, since systems that are trained once and may be deployed to operate automatically in new locations would be most useful.Comment: Challenge hosted at the fifth Fine-Grained Visual Categorization Workshop (FGVC5) at CVPR 201

    Bird Species Categorization Using Pose Normalized Deep Convolutional Nets

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    We propose an architecture for fine-grained visual categorization that approaches expert human performance in the classification of bird species. Our architecture first computes an estimate of the object's pose; this is used to compute local image features which are, in turn, used for classification. The features are computed by applying deep convolutional nets to image patches that are located and normalized by the pose. We perform an empirical study of a number of pose normalization schemes, including an investigation of higher order geometric warping functions. We propose a novel graph-based clustering algorithm for learning a compact pose normalization space. We perform a detailed investigation of state-of-the-art deep convolutional feature implementations and fine-tuning feature learning for fine-grained classification. We observe that a model that integrates lower-level feature layers with pose-normalized extraction routines and higher-level feature layers with unaligned image features works best. Our experiments advance state-of-the-art performance on bird species recognition, with a large improvement of correct classification rates over previous methods (75% vs. 55-65%)

    Towards a Visipedia: Combining Computer Vision and Communities of Experts

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    Motivated by the idea of a Visipedia, where users can search and explore by image, this thesis presents tools and techniques for empowering expert communities through computer vision. The collective aim of this work is to provide a scalable foundation upon which an application like Visipedia can be built. We conduct experiments using two highly motivated communities, the birding community and the naturalist community, and report results and lessons on how to build the necessary components of a Visipedia. First, we conduct experiments analyzing the behavior of state-of-the-art computer vision classifiers on long tailed datasets. We find poor feature sharing between classes, potentially limiting the applicability of these models and emphasizing the ability to intelligently direct data collection resources. Second, we devise online crowdsourcing algorithms to make dataset collection for binary labels, multiclass labels, keypoints, and mulit-instance bounding boxes faster, cheaper, and more accurate. These methods jointly estimate labels, worker skills, and train computer vision models for these tasks. Experiments show that we can achieve significant cost savings compared to traditional data collection techniques, and that we can produce a more accurate dataset compared to traditional data collection techniques. Third, we present two fine-grained datasets, detail how they were constructed, and analyze the test accuracy of state-of-the-art methods. These datasets are then used to create applications that help users identify species in their photographs: Merlin, an app assisting users in identifying birds species, and iNaturalist, an app that assists users in identifying a broad variety of species. Finally, we present work aimed at reducing the computational burden of large scale classification with the goal of creating an application that allows users to classify tens of thousands of species in real time on their mobile device. As a whole, the lessons learned and the techniques presented in this thesis bring us closer to the realization of a Visipedia.</p

    The iWildCam 2018 Challenge Dataset

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    Camera traps are a valuable tool for studying biodiversity, but research using this data is limited by the speed of human annotation. With the vast amounts of data now available it is imperative that we develop automatic solutions for annotating camera trap data in order to allow this research to scale. A promising approach is based on deep networks trained on human-annotated images. We provide a challenge dataset to explore whether such solutions generalize to novel locations, since systems that are trained once and may be deployed to operate automatically in new locations would be most useful

    Lean Multiclass Crowdsourcing

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    We introduce a method for efficiently crowdsourcing multiclass annotations in challenging, real world image datasets. Our method is designed to minimize the number of human annotations that are necessary to achieve a desired level of confidence on class labels. It is based on combining models of worker behavior with computer vision. Our method is general: it can handle a large number of classes, worker labels that come from a taxonomy rather than a flat list, and can model the dependence of labels when workers can see a history of previous annotations. Our method may be used as a drop-in replacement for the majority vote algorithms used in online crowdsourcing services that aggregate multiple human annotations into a final consolidated label. In experiments conducted on two real-life applications we find that our method can reduce the number of required annotations by as much as a factor of 5.4 and can reduce the residual annotation error by up to 90% when compared with majority voting. Furthermore, the online risk estimates of the models may be used to sort the annotated collection and minimize subsequent expert review effort

    The iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset

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    Existing image classification datasets used in computer vision tend to have a uniform distribution of images across object categories. In contrast, the natural world is heavily imbalanced, as some species are more abundant and easier to photograph than others. To encourage further progress in challenging real world conditions we present the iNaturalist species classification and detection dataset, consisting of 859,000 images from over 5,000 different species of plants and animals. It features visually similar species, captured in a wide variety of situations, from all over the world. Images were collected with different camera types, have varying image quality, feature a large class imbalance, and have been verified by multiple citizen scientists. We discuss the collection of the dataset and present extensive baseline experiments using state-of-the-art computer vision classification and detection models. Results show that current non-ensemble based methods achieve only 67% top one classification accuracy, illustrating the difficulty of the dataset. Specifically, we observe poor results for classes with small numbers of training examples suggesting more attention is needed in low-shot learning.Comment: CVPR 201

    Recognition in Terra Incognita

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    It is desirable for detection and classification algorithms to generalize to unfamiliar environments, but suitable benchmarks for quantitatively studying this phenomenon are not yet available. We present a dataset designed to measure recognition generalization to novel environments. The images in our dataset are harvested from twenty camera traps deployed to monitor animal populations. Camera traps are fixed at one location, hence the background changes little across images; capture is triggered automatically, hence there is no human bias. The challenge is learning recognition in a handful of locations, and generalizing animal detection and classification to new locations where no training data is available. In our experiments state-of-the-art algorithms show excellent performance when tested at the same location where they were trained. However, we find that generalization to new locations is poor, especially for classification systems. (The dataset is available at https://beerys.github.io/CaltechCameraTraps/
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